Team Spotlight: Software Engineering Interns

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Blog Post
August 27, 2024

Team Spotlight: Software Engineering Interns

Courier Health

Courier Health welcomed our first batch of engineering interns this summer! Between exploring our codebase, attending Yankees Games, and giving project demos, we caught up with Kito Pang (UMD ‘25) and Ihsaan Yasin (Michigan ‘25) about the projects they worked on, learning from experienced engineers, and what they hope to tackle in the future.

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Can you briefly describe the main project you worked on this summer?

Kito Pang: Our main project this summer was an “ingest dashboard” for the Client Solutions team. Ingest is the process we use to upload patient information and other relevant files into the Courier Health Platform. Although the vast majority of files get ingested smoothly, we sometimes receive corrupted or badly formatted files, which requires an engineer to diagnose and troubleshoot.

Our solution was an interactive dashboard that allows Client Solutions to view the status of ingest files. It has functionality to view the overall status of files or inspect row-specific errors, allowing CS to connect with clients to rectify their data. Overall, we were incredibly excited to work on a project that not only exposed us to new technologies and frameworks, but had a real impact on the company.

Ihsaan Yasin: Most recently, we also worked on an ingest schema generator. Each ingest run for a client CSV structure requires a configuration file, which is hand-crafted. This schema generator tool allows users to import CSV files, infer the types and values of CSV columns, and then configure all aspects of the file. As values change, there’s a live feed showing all of the changes in real-time, which was fun to demo!

It was exciting to work on another high impact project, which was also very technically challenging. There were a lot of important considerations that went into our design to reach the final functioning product.

What technologies and tools did you use during your internship?

We used React, Node, Typescript, GraphQL, AWS lambdas, AWS RDS, and MikroORM.

What was the biggest challenge you faced this summer and how did you go about solving it?

The biggest challenge was getting familiar with the Courier Health codebase. We had never interacted with a codebase as large or intricate as ours, which was very intimidating at first. Eventually, we were able to wrap our heads around the codebase through our initial ingest dashboard project and very helpful mentors. We made sure to ask many questions and get clarification on parts that were unclear to us.

Did anything surprise you about your internship?

Kito: What surprised us was how different a production code environment is compared to our personal projects and classwork. Every step of modifying our codebase has a set procedure in place, such as creating pull requests (PRs) for peer review, writing comprehensive tests to ensure code is working correctly, and reporting progress during daily stand ups. It feels like everything at Courier Health is held to a higher standard, and rightly so. The technical bar is extremely high.

This higher standard helped us learn better programming practices and also helped us collaborate with engineers more effectively. We’re constantly critiquing our own code so that we can deliver a product to be proud of.

Ihsaan: Not only that, but it has been invaluable to work in an environment where there is such strong collaboration. Engineers are so open to helping each other, constantly bouncing around ideas and discussing problems. Seeing in action how important strong communication is when working with others was invaluable.

Finally, one thing I realized at this internship is just how large the gap between creating some product to actually sending it to production is. This has allowed me to gain the valuable skills associated with refining and improving  my working products into something that can stand the strain of being in the field.

Were there any events or experiences that stood out to you in terms of company culture?

Besides announcing the Series A, which was exciting and unexpected to be part of, the weekly company All Hands really stood out to us. It’s special to see the entire company coming together each week to discuss progress, accomplishments, and future goals. Engineers can sign up to give interactive demos, so we had an opportunity to showcase our hard work live!

How has this internship influenced your career goals?

Kito: This internship solidified my interest in working at a startup! I not only got to interact with a ton of smart and talented people, but I also worked on projects with real utility to the company. The culture here is also super cultivating — everybody has been super understanding and willing to help me learn new skills.

Ihsaan: My internship at Courier Health has certainly influenced my career goals! Firstly, I’ve learned just how important it is to have an aligned team working towards an impactful vision. My drive working here came from both the team and the fact that the Courier Health Platform is filling an essential need and genuinely improving people’s lives. I also learned about the value of high ownership projects. Getting the chance to scope, plan out, and then develop my projects was a strong driver in cultivating my technical and product skills, and it was extremely satisfying getting to deliver an end product. I definitely want to work in high ownership and technically challenging environments.

Best of luck to Kito and Ihsaan in their final year of school! Visit our Careers page to discover open roles or join our talent community to stay informed about future internship opportunities.

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